This is clearly a tough question to answer since many say that “every marriage is different, and so there is no one solution that fits all.” It is difficult to contend such reasoning; when everyone believes their case is unique as their situation is different, and that’s where the problem lies. Yet the bible says “there is no uncommon human adversity that has never been experienced, but our Faithful God will show you how to escape, exit, or end such adversity” (1Cor 10:13).
Marriage is a human natural experience of a divine supernatural dimension. It is a “type and shadow” of the real-life producing and preserving bond among members of God’s family; that is, the Father Son and Holy Spirit. Marriage is the fruitful unit of human existence that was designed to replicate the blessed unity of divine spirituality. It is for 2 to reveal 3; as its purpose is to produce and nurture natural family life into spiritual family living (1Cor 15:45).
Marriage is a Beautiful Thing
How can something so purposeful and beautiful develop difficulty? Marriages become difficult when we ignore or eliminate the spiritual dimension. Regardless, our Faithful God and Father, whose family you are supposed to reveal through your marriage, knows how to get you out of a marriage jam. His ever-winning strategy is to make a way of escape and exit from or end the adversity (1Cor 10:13). The way or door to escape and end the difficulty in marriages is a person.
The person is Jesus. He is the way and door you can enter in and go out from (Jn 10:9; 14:6). Loved and trusted by God, the Father, He tells us to listen to him (Mat 17:5). You can enter marriage through Jesus and escape the difficulties through Him. Since marriage is about natural family life and spiritual family living, you can enter into real life, if you are not born-again and saved (Jn 3:3-7). If you are saved you can escape the difficulties of living by ending all adversities through Jesus (Mat 11:28-30).
Would you rather escape the difficulties of marriage or let it destroy your liveliness in Christ?
Brother Dennis.