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Our discipleship development program aids behavior modification for a righteous lifestyle. Attend a Discipleship Conference or take a Class @ Vessels.University

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Are you a Christian; a true believer, born-again and baptized in Christ’s Spirit? Are you new to the Kingdom of the sons of God or have you been saved for some time now?

You deserve to know or be refreshed with pure knowledge of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit the way God intended. So, you can love, learn, and live the Christ-like life ordained for you.

Fundamental Spirituality

We present the easiest most fundamental way to begin and advance your Christian journey of loving, learning, and living in Christ, as a true believer and spiritual infant.

Through a common-sense approach; what we call contextual-chronology of NT Scripture, this book helps you extract its juicy Truth, easily, in small bites, as the Holy Spirit intended. It aids behavior modification for a righteous lifestyle. It is a scriptural ‘workbook’ for FIRST LEVEL individual/group discipleship; for learning WHAT true believers ARE and DO.


Let’s Make Disciples Together.

We implement effective Christ-like worshipful lifestyle in people. Let's help your Church build an active discipleship program, or Join us to make disciples in your City.