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Our discipleship development program aids behavior modification for a righteous lifestyle. Attend a Discipleship Conference or take a Class @ Vessels.University

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Many people may have been born-again and filled with God’s Holy Spirit for some time now, but they are relatively new believers--Spiritual Adolescents

There is much discipleship to receive in order to get to maturity. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19 that we should train disciples in His way of life; instructing them in the practice of His teachings.

Advance Your Spirituality

Sequel to the Kingdom Lifestyle for Brand New Believers (Spiritual Infants, newly born kingdom babies) book, this book is for Spiritual Minors; kingdom school-agers, for developing spiritual moto skills.

This compilation covers the mindful attitude for the Christ-like life, that helps disciples become more assertive and informed in living out God’s True Will, which increases with discipleship. So advance your spirituality, know your Christian doctrines, and live the life and lifestyle of Jesus that is suitable for establishing you as a True and faithful worshiper; a committed disciple of Christ.


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We implement effective Christ-like worshipful lifestyle in people. Let's help your Church build an active discipleship program, or Join us to make disciples in your City.