Behavior Modification or Minimization?

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Humility, Submission, Dying-to-Self



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He must increase, but I must decrease. [He must grow more prominent; I must grow less so.] (Joh 3:30)

And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence (Col 1:17-18).

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Who do people say that you are? Do they say you are what you behave? Can they be right, if what they see you manifest does not match the behavior you think you display? We exhibit all kinds of positive or negative, mundane or spiritual behavior. From emotional to willful to attitudinal behaviors, all have strong, mild, or weak effects on our friends, family, or even foes.

However, bad behaviors can be changed to good, ugly ones can become prettier, and even good ones can upgrade to better ones. Whatever the kind of behavior, it goes without saying that improvement is always needful. So, what is the best way to improve one’s behavior? Is it to modify or minimize? To modify simply means to change, alter, or transform. It is to repent; change one's mind about his or her current behavior so to be transformed entirely, in righteousness (Mat 3:2).

Will You decrease That the Lord Might Increase?

To minimize is simply to abate, reduce, or lessen. It is to decrease oneself in righteousness (Jn 3:30), so to minimize the influence and toxicity of one’s behavior in the overall scheme of righteous living. These two concepts came from John the Baptist (Mat 3:1-2Jn 3:27-30), who preached repentance as the way to ‘modify’ contrary behavior, and then demonstrated ‘minimization’ as the way to eliminate opposing behavioral influences.

Sometimes we think we are doing right by our behavior, but remember Jesus said none is good but God (Mat 19:17). While ‘modification’ is best suited for those who do not know and love God our Father, ‘minimization’ is for those who love and obey Him, but are letting undesirable behaviors such as anxiety, anger, fear, ignorance, faithlessness, church absenteeism, and others get in the way of a righteous lifestyle. Which will serve you better: modification or minimization? God our Father loves you and wants to find you behaving and living right in His Son Jesus (Act 17:23).

I started by modifying, now I am minimizing; what will you do?

Brother Dennis.

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